Cook Lively! by Laura-Jane Koers

Cook Lively! by Laura-Jane Koers

Plant-based, clean eating recipes don’t have to be time consuming, and Laura-Jane Koers shows how to do it with 100 recipes in her new book, Cook Lively! The benefit of using good ingredients is that the result is always flavorful and nourishing. I agree wholeheartedly 

Skinny Liver: A Proven Program to Prevent and Reverse the New Silent Epidemic Fatty Liver Disease – Review

Skinny Liver: A Proven Program to Prevent and Reverse the New Silent Epidemic Fatty Liver Disease – Review

What is Fatty Liver Disease? Fatty liver disease (FLD) is where large amounts of fat build up over time on the liver. NAFLD is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, where the extra fat isn’t due to alcohol consumption. AFL is alcoholic fatty liver and is caused 

Healing the Vegan Way by Mark Reinfeld

Healing the Vegan Way by Mark Reinfeld

At the root of most diseases or chronic ailments such age-onset diabetes, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis lies a major cause – poor eating habits and a diet filled with overly processed foods. Mark Reinfeld offers his solution and an alternative way to gain better 

Eat It Up! by Sherri Brooks Vinton

Eat It Up! by Sherri Brooks Vinton

What’s the best way to save on your monthly grocery bill? Use up everything you can and throw as little away as possible. If you need a little help in this area, Eat It Up! comes to the rescue with produce insights, pantry tips, upcycling 

Naturally Lean by Allyson Kramer and a Recipe for Roasted Radishes and Yellow Beets

Naturally Lean by Allyson Kramer and a Recipe for Roasted Radishes and Yellow Beets

Moving to a plant based diet seems like it would be the most healthy. Until you shop at your favorite whole foods market or health food store and realize that vegan foods can still be filled with sugars and be way overly processed, just like