Low-Carb Cooking in a Slow Cooker

lowcarbcookbookWe are a strange household, but then again – maybe average. Everyone likes to eat different things together, so it makes meal times complex at times. Case in point – my husband enjoys low-carb meals and subscribes to the low-carb ideology, and I’m just the opposite. I prefer to eat whole grains, legumes, lots of fruits and veggies. Not a vegan or vegetarian, but those are the foods I eat most of the time. Having been diagnosed with a kidney disorder over a decade ago (since resolved) my nephrologist prescribed a very low-protein diet. I’ve gradually incorporated meats, poultry & fish into my everyday diet, but rely on low-protein items to make up the bulk of my diet.

In any case, this book from a past visit to our library had great recipes for using a slow cooker to create low-carb meals. My favorite? A vegetable sauce with eggplant, green beans, mushrooms (the recipe uses canned, I used fresh baby bellas), crushed tomatoes, and a bit of half-and-half. I changed the recipe up to use farmers market veggies that we purchased at a great price, and the recipe freezes well.

Here is the review for the book I did for The Cookbook Papers: The Everyday Low-Carb Slow Cooker Cookbook, written by Kitty Broihier and Kimberly Mayone (De Capo Books, 2004).