Tag: research

Women and Cocoa: Chocolate Farming and Gender Inequality

Women and Cocoa: Chocolate Farming and Gender Inequality

I just posted an interesting link on the Pastry Sampler blog on gender inequality and the chocolate front. What I found from an article on Confectionery News was that while women can be trained with all the technical knowledge of cocoa farming, in certain parts 

The Interesting Relationship Between Bigotry and Online Reviews

The Interesting Relationship Between Bigotry and Online Reviews

What is bigotry? Dictionary.com defines it as “stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one’s own.” How it works its way into the food world: through online reviews. And it seems Asian food is often a target. Andrew Simmons, 

Cake Cutting: A Perfect Way?

Cake Cutting: A Perfect Way?

I’ll admit it: I’ve always loved algebra. Geometry? Eh, not so much. But with algebra, you can literally solve anything, especially when baking. For example, take this question from ck12.org: How can we make enough chocolate chip cookies for an exact amount of people with only one recipe? Easy, use algebra. Or, this question from a text book word problem from algebra.com: How many trays of each type of muffins should the baker make to maximize his profit? Use linear algebra. Or, how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit or the other way around (aaamath.com)? Create an algebraic formula.

How to cut a perfect slice of cake.

But when cake cutting is involved, it involves more than simply cutting a slice from a whole. Will each piece be equal, or at least, perceived as equitable between the guests eating it? Will everyone be happy? Will the remaining pieces dry out? I look into how mathematics come into play when cutting a perfect cake slice, and reference two  journals, Nature from 1906, and Notices from 2006, that try to solve just those questions.

Scientifically and Mathematically Speaking – What’s the Best Way to Cut a Cake?

It would be a delicious question to solve.

You Are What Your Maternal Grandmother Ate, And Also What You Eat Affects Your Offspring

You Are What Your Maternal Grandmother Ate, And Also What You Eat Affects Your Offspring

Interesting research by Christoper Kuzawa, Professor of Anthropology at Northwestern University. The field research followed more than 3,000 pregnant Filipino women and their offspring, and filtered through 3 decades of participation. It is interesting that what trended is this: what the maternal grandmother ate and